
Another way to show appreciation for operators is to use transit. Even if you don't usually ride public transit, Transit Operator Appreciation Day is a great day to try Muni! Ride transit on your commute, on an errand, or to school, especially if you'd normally drive a car. 

Transit works best for San Francisco the more it is used. Everyone benefits whenever anyone chooses not to add another car to traffic in the city. 

One of the major goals of Transit Operator Day is to bring attention to how our work contributes to the vitality of San Francisco. There's no better way to appreciate what we do than to watch us in action. An average weekday might see half a million trips, on March 18th we hope to see a 10% bump in riders.

Even if you've never taken Muni, make March 18th your first ride. 

If you normally drive your kids to school, try Muni on Transit Operator Day. Kids ride free, and learning to use public transit is a huge step in independence and self reliance for kids. Ditch the school drop off traffic jam, and try the bus! 

Commendations are a special recognition of excellent service by a Muni Operator. When a passenger submits a commendation, the operator receives a letter from SFMTA formally recognizing their service. For Transit Operator Appreciation Day, the goal is to have a thousand commendations submitted. 

If just one out of every 1000 passengers takes a couple  of minutes to put in a commendation, we believe we can reach this goal.

Here's How

thank every operator

A simple "Thank you" may seem like a small gesture, but it makes a big impact. 

In a job where it can often feel that no one cares how well we execute a difficult job, a couple words of gratitude can go a long way. 

On Transit Operator Day, we want every single operator to hear from our passengers that they are appreciated.

You can say "Thank you, Operator"

or "Thank you, Driver" 

or "Cheers, Drive" like they do in Bristol. 

We aren't picky about this at all. Be a part of Transit Operator Day just by using your voice to say "Thanks."