500 Commendations
show your operator some love
Commendations are special recognition of a Muni Operator's service to San Franciscans. They are formal records that are meaningful to our careers.
After a passenger submits a commendation, it is forwarded to our management, and placed in the operators personnel file. Management reviews all commendations, and Operators receives a signed letter from their division superintendent recognizing their service.Â
Operators usually keep and treasure the commendations we receive. They are lasting reminders of a meaningful connection with our passengers. It motivates operators to go the extra mile to help passengers in need, or make visitors feel welcome in unfamiliar places. Every operator does work that should earn them this recognition, and anyone can do it in a couple minutes.
On March 18th we're calling on passengers to call 311 or use this web form to commend an operator. If only 1 out of every 1000 passengers that use Muni take a couple minutes out of their day, we can reach our goal of 500 commendations. This would send a powerful message to Muni management and city leadership that Muni service, and the Operators who provide it, are valued by everyday San Franciscans.